We are hosting a series of educational events about worker cooperatives in June, in partnership with the Madison Public Library.All events will be on Tuesdays, with an in-person option from 12:00pm-1:30pm at the Central Library (201 W Mifflin St) and an online option from 6:30pm-8:00pm.
These sessions are free and open to anyone. If you aren’t able to make it to Co-ops 101, you can still join us for the later sessions. Please note that we will not be recording the sessions. If you would like more information or to plan a presentation for your group, contact MCDC Director, Charity Schmidt at charity.schmidt@wisc.edu.
June 4th – Co-ops 101: Learn about this values-based model where workers share in the ownership, decision-making, and profits of a business. Learn about worker co-ops in Madison and resources for technical assistance and financing.
June 11th – Co-ops 201: What does it take to start a worker cooperative business? Learn about the steps and requirements to develop your co-op, as well as the resources available to get it started.
June 18th – Co-op Financing: A crucial question for every start-up business is access to financing. Learn about the ecosystem of organizations that provide financing for worker cooperatives. We’ll be joined by representatives of KIIVA, WWBIC, and Shared Capital Cooperative.
If you know anyone who is interested in learning more about worker cooperatives, please tell them about these free events. You can share the information via instagram and Facebook.
For more details, and to register for the Zoom links, visit https://madpl.org/coop. No advance registration is needed for the in-person sessions. The content of the in-person and online sessions is the same.