
The latest RFP for community-based organizations is out!

If you belong to a local non-profit or other community-based organization that wants to integrate worker-cooperative development into its work, you will want to download MCDC’s latest RFP. This is a competitive process for grants up to $30,000. It is not necessary for your organization to have done co-op development in the past — our… Leer más »The latest RFP for community-based organizations is out!

¡Se posterga la presentación de mañana!

Debido a unas complicaciones, se nos obligó postergar la presentación de mañana, “Una introducción a las cooperativas”. Les avisaremos de la nueva fecha lo antes posible. Disculpen la molestia. Due to certain complications, we have found it necessary to postpone tomorrow’s presentation, “Co-ops 101 in Spanish.” We will publicize the new date as soon as… Leer más »¡Se posterga la presentación de mañana!

Cómo formar una cooperativa con MCDC

English follows below. La Coalición de Desarrollo de Cooperativas de Madison (MCDC por sus siglas en inglés) es una iniciativa del gobierno municipal de Madison para crear cooperativas de trabajo que hagan frente a la desigualdad de ingresos y las disparidades raciales mediante la creación de trabajos sindicalizados y con salarios dignos. Somos un colectivo… Leer más »Cómo formar una cooperativa con MCDC

MCDC and MadWorC will participate in a panel on economic democracy

Goodman Community Center, 149 Waubesa Street, Madison, WI 53704 October 11, 2019, 6:00-8:30 pm, “You can’t have meaningful political democracy without functioning economic democracy.” – Noam Chomsky Sponsored by: Alliance for Economic Democracy, Economic Democracy Advocates Foundation, Lift Economy, Northside Planning Council, Prout USA Panelists: James Quilligan, international policy advisor and Managing Director of Economic… Leer más »MCDC and MadWorC will participate in a panel on economic democracy

The Eastern Conference for Workplace Democracy is now taking registrations!

What is the Eastern Conference for Workplace Democracy? Well, glad you asked. The ECWD, founded in 2002, is a conference that builds awareness of worker-owned businesses while strengthening existing worker co-ops. For 17 years, the ECWD has forged relationships between democratically-owned businesses, labor institutions, and cooperative resource organizations to expand workplace democracy. The ECWD has… Leer más »The Eastern Conference for Workplace Democracy is now taking registrations!